Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy 4th birthday

This is baby Jordan He still sleeps with this blanket every night he has since the day he was born.
He is just the cutest thing!
Our big four year old.

Today my little baby boy turned 4. He woke up said "mom's it's my birthday and I'm four!" It's was so stinkin cute. He was the best baby I loved him so much I never but him down. I would hold him all day and at nap time we would nap side by side.

I love being his mommy so much I just didn't want to put him down. I can't believe that he doesn't need me to hold him and love on him all day long. I miss it. But I now get to hear funny stories and get sweet kisses and I love yous all the time.

Jordy boy I love being your mommy and I am so glad you choose me!!!!! Happy birthday honey monkey sweetest lovey boy!


Camille said...

Happy Birthday Jordan! You were (and are!) a handsome little guy.

Adam and Samantha said...

Hope he had a great birthday...he's such a cutie

Amy John said...

I am so sorry that we couldn't make it to the party saturday! We were having truck troubles that I cannot talk about because it makes my blood boil too much. Maybe I will blog about it in a few months when my anger goes away. But I am so sorry! I really hope he had a great time though! Tell him that Austin and Zoe said "Happy Birfday!"