Friday, June 27, 2008

Yummy summer treat

We have a summer treat obsession in our house and it is the Slurpee! We go to circle K at least once a week and get one. They are so good and are great on a HOT day! Doesn't this picture make you want one. (It makes me want one!)
We usually stand here just like this for a while and look at the flavors. They are always the same but you must look at them all because you may want to mixed it up a bit
Kenzie is a mixer upper. She always gets something new or mixes her flavors. Notice the sunglasses on the head, very summery very cute, very girly!
Jordan likes what he likes he sticks with blue or Root Beer. Also sunglasses on the head! So cool!
Oh and me (don't you love the BIG HUGE belly) I get Cherry I love Cherry once in a while I get coke and Cherry but mostly I get Cherry.
Will chose not to get his picture taken because he is a poop head! But he likes blue or Cherry.
So what is your favorite Slurpee? and what is your favorite summer treat?


JANEAL said...
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JANEAL said...

Carter and I love to go and get shaved ice.....tigers blood is my favorite!

Heather (wife, mom) said...

i like cherry too! but they give me a headache and make me cough. weird huh? i prefer the eegee which is also weird because i used to not like them at all.