Today's post is 20 random facts about me..
1. I love the movie the Wizard of Oz. I loved it so much I wanted to paint the one wall that was brick in my bedroom yellow...but my mom never let me...darn it!
2.And of course I love the musical Wicked!! Seen it 3 times and # 4 is coming up!!!
3. Favorite color is pink but if you ask my husband he says its yellow...I do like yellow but pink is my fav.
4. I want to own a beach house one day. It will look like the house from the notebook and I will read on the outside listening to the waves.
5. Spending the day Whale Watching is one thing I want to do this year.
6. I am only 5 feet tall and I am totally okay being short! I use to wear tall shoes but now I wear flats all the time.
7. I always thought I would have a house full of little girls...BOY was I wrong...3 boys and I don't know a thing about them but I love them!!! Good thing I have one little girl.
8. I just stopped biting my nails...Like 6 months ago..Why didn't I stop sooner?? Love painting them.
9. Since I had Henry (18months ago) I have lost 60 pounds.
10. I know LOVE the gym.. I go at least 5 days a week.
11. Running is not a sure sign of death fact I like it...most days
12. I love to bake. I would love to doing as a living.
13. My favorite # is 13.
14. I own a lot of grey shirts..I tend to grab a grey shirt if there are a lot of color choices..I am working on that one....
15. I love avocados!!! I want a tree or 5... at my beach house.
16. I am a sucker for cute hair things. I have a ton and wont let Kenzie wear some of them....I know I am a nice mommy:)
17. I am super super super self conscious.. This is a recent thing for me.. Like within the past 6 years or so.. I am working on it and working on loving me for me...The gym helps that. So does not eating junk but lets face it we all like junk.
18. I love to dance and throw a dance party every day with the kids...Henry now dances every time there is music.
19. I don't wear makeup everyday... in fact I only wear it like 3 days a week....Maybe that's why ppl think I am 16 or 22.
20. I put lotion on everyday. And use a face lotion with SPF 35 every single day...drives Will nuts but I like soft smooth skin..And he does too;)